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Monte Amiata Villages San Fiora
Santa Fiora
Home Culture Amiata Villages Santa Fiora


The Amiata Villages


Santa Fiora

 (The Santa Fiora sight)


Santa Fiora, a charming mediaeval village on Mount Amiata in Tuscany , lies rather off the beaten track and is set on high above the valley where the river Fiora winds its way down to the coast some fifty miles away. The village itself tumbles, metaphorically speaking, down a steep cliff to a picturesque fishpond, La Peschiera , and the church of the Madonna delle Nevi. 
The history of Santa Fiora includes such austere names as the Aldobrandini ( Mount Amiata was theirs in the 13th and 14th century) and the Sforza family. The upper part of the village includes the main square, the Aldobrandini castle with its truncated tower and the Sforza Cesarini palace (now the town hall). 
Via Carolina , a narrow street once lined with craftsmen's shops, leads down from the main square to a church, La Pieve , which contains some beautiful Della Robbia terracotta bas-reliefs; from there it continues down past the impressive church of St Augustine to the miniature church of La Madonna delle Nevi and the adjacent fishpond. A charming ceramic bas-relief of the Della Robbia school adorns the façade of the church.

To visit in Santa Fiora: 

  • The church of  "Sante Flora e Lucilla"  in the old town
  • The famous Terracotte Robbiane of the old town
  • The "Peschiera" that is surrounded by a botanical garden
  • The old town "borgo".

For the evening

  • Pub Green Feeling.
  • The wine cellar of Luciano.
  • La Serenella (Only summer) 
  • La Peschiera bar / Cafe (Only Summer) 



(Andrea della Robbia "the baptism of Christ ")


(Santa Fiora, the old town)