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Monte Amiata tradition and festivals
Wineyard in the Montecucco area
Home Culture Tradition and festivals January - May events


Traditions and festivals


January-May events

(Santa Fiora, 3rd may festival)



The 1st of January - ABBADIA SAN SALVATORE (SI)

SAN SALVATORE ABBEY - Exhibition and blessing of very important religious relics- Organized by  monks Cistercensi phone +39 (577)-778083

The 1st of January - ABBADIA SAN SALVATORE (SI)

New Year concert - Inside San Salvatore abbey many groups play classical music. Town council Phone +39 (577) 770312

The 1st of January - CASTEL DEL PIANO (GR)

concert - By The " Filarmonica G. Rossigni" in the prepositura Churc. Town council Phone +39 (564) 973511

4th of January - CASTEL DEL PIANO (GR)

contrada of Borgo. "Le trenta giovane". Town council Phone +39 (564) 973511

5th of January - CASTEL DEL PIANO (GR)

contrada of Poggio. "Epiphany on contrada". Town council Phone +39 (564) 973511


EPIPHANY- From 9h p.m Epiphany witch and chimney sweep go for house for give same sweet to the children. Pro Loco +39 (577)-778324

The night between the 5th & the 6th of January - RADICOFANI (SI)

EPIPHANY PARTY. Organized in La Mossa village, from 9h in the evening. All together waiting for the Epiphany witch, tasting biscuits, home made pizza and vin brulè. Pro Loco +39(578) 55684

The night between the 5th & the 6th of January - SARAGIOLO (Piancastagnaio), BAGNORE, BAGNOLO & MARRONETO (S. Fiora)

BEFANATE - Groups of people, masquerading as old women of long ago, wander the town streets. They sing traditional songs and pay calls to their neighbors, who are expected to extend hospitality in the form of food and wine.


The 23rd & the 24th of February - RADICOFANI (SI)

35^ COPPA LIBURNA - Motor competition. 

Town council Phone +39 (578) 55905.

The last Sunday of Carnival - ARCIDOSSO (GR)

CARNIVAL IN ARCIDOSSO - Masquerading people wander the town streets S.I.T. phone +39(564) 916025


The Good Friday (Easter) - ABBADIA SAN SALVATORE (SI)

GIUDEATA - During Holy Week (Easter), the Guideata in Abbadia San Salvatore on Good Friday is particularly spectacular.

Pro Loco Phone +39 (577) 778324

Sunday in Albis - ARCIDOSSO (GR)

THE PINA FESTIVAL - the first Sunday after Easter in the Lamulas parish church . 

Town council Phone +39 (564) 966438

The night between the last of April & the first of May - ARCIDOSSO

CANTI DEL MAGGIO - G. Verdi choral sings" il Maggio" (May) through the streets of the town. S.I.T. Phone +39(564) 916025

The night between the last of April & the first of May - CASTIGLIONE D'ORCIA (SI)

MAGGIOLATA - A group of singers (I Maggialioli) plays madrigals, it is the welcome good season party. Town council Phone +39 (577) 88401


From the 1st of May - ABBADIA SAN SALVATORE (SI)

NATIONAL SWIMMING MEETING - Swimming competition.

From May to September - ABBADIA SAN SALVATORE (SI)

POLVERE E TARLI IN PIAZZA - Little market of typical products, crafts, antiques. 

Pro Loco Phone +39 (577) 77832

The 3rd of May - SANTA FIORA (GR)

HOLY CROSS FEAST - Religious feast, with the holy cross (prodigious)  that is taken in procession with 2 more religious cross Town council Phone: +39 (564) 979611

First Sunday of May -   Contignano (SI) - RADICOFANI


The last Sunday of May -Montenero -CASTELDELPIANO (GR)

"LASAGNA" HOMEMADE PASTA FESTIVAL - Taste delicious typical dishes  The town council Phone +39 (564) 973511.